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An Unnecessary Husband

Dec 18, 2019


The third novel from the author of Modern 
Man is Ultra Quick and Emily Osgarby's 
Autobiography is a tragi-comedy of bad 
marriages, bad advice and bad decisions.
It is the story of one man's downward spiral 
into obsession, lust and his own self-worth; 
the story of a husband that finds himself 
surplus to requirements and hopelessly 
grabbing at anything that might provide 




So, this Ophelie thing...

When a practical, logical man spends too long with 
his head in the clouds his daydreams tend to take over.

Christopher Hoyer spends his days in a dungeon of an office
and his evenings in fantasies of history.  But what happens 
when fantasy becomes part of the real world? What happens when
your wife's best friend becomes the focus of all your thoughts...?

A novel about passion and obsession, about the boundaries and 
limitations in our lives, and the worlds we create to escape them.
A psychological, tragi-comedy of art and logistics, parks and cities,
love and indifference and... this Ophelie thing. 

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These Quiet Years

Dec 3, 2018

There is something terrifying about stepping into the unknown world of adulthood, the safety net of college is cast aside and the paths that lead forward define our histories.

This is a novel about that period of our lives where we have to grow up - but what happens if we grow up too fast; what happens if we are already too damaged, if we don't grow up at all?


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When now and then is all that remains

Oct 1, 2017

This third collection of short stories is the most developed yet.  Readers will find familiar themes - relationships and individuality, love  and loss - alongside new ideas and snatches of the past.  Bitter-sweet moments, rich and atmospheric imagery and cutting dialogue all contribute to a powerful, thought-provoking journey, a journey that demands steps soon retaken.

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Emily Osgarby's Autobiography

Oct 28, 2015


When Emily Osgarby receives an invite to the country home of her ex, the problems soon take over her busy mind - what is she letting herself in for?

The guests are overwhelming, the ooze goes to her head, the past catches up with her and, as her life flashes before her eyes, she learns more about herself than she could ever have expected.

The idea was ridiculous, reality was proving even worse.  
You know how it is – you’ve hit thirty, you’re single, you have the world’s dullest job and the thought of having to be sociable sends shivers down your spine. The party guests are horrendous, the drink goes to your head, memories and events from your life are reawakened - confessions and revelations begin to pour out.  
But sometimes your worst case scenario can be the best thing that ever happens to you.


Emily Osgarby's Autobiography is a novel about past, present and future, about the people and things that define our lives - all those strange little things we chance to remember and the moments we'll never forget.

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The winter the snow was heaviest

Oct 10, 2014

'It must have been the snow. Snow has the power to move a soul, the atmosphere to bewitch - every year, the excitement of the first fall, like waking as a child once again, so perfect and unstoppable.'

The short stories contained in this volume were written over a period of ten years, with locations shifting from England to Norway, from California to Greece, from Sweden to 1950s New York City. It is a collection of contrasts, conflicts and relationships.

From the author of the novel, 'Modern man is ultra quick' and the short story collection, 'In the shallows', a new anthology of daring and provocative tales of fractured lives and of the interactions between people and places, 'The winter the snow was heaviest' is a collection as breathtaking and extreme as the seasons it is dedicated too.

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In the shallows

Apr 20, 2014

There is a railway that runs along the Oslofjord, north of Holmestrand; for a time it feels as though you are flying just above the water.

The majority of these short stories were written on this train journey, inspired by the fjord and the lives of the people living beside it - their relationships and the separations between them In the same way that a painter makes a sketch to capture a moment - the essence of an idea, a raw outline - these stories are similarly pure fragments of viewed life presented in their most delicate and honest form. The natural flow between these tales is like a long-playing record - a collection of individual experiences tied together with harmonious atmospherics and human emotion.

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Modern Man is Ultra Quick

Nov 5, 2013

There is perhaps something that will surprise you about modern man - sometimes all he wants is a little slice of domestic bliss. Unfortunately, as Dennis Fleckney suggests, this is a story about 'how to fuck things up with women'. These are the adventures - joy and despair, love and hate - of four ordinary guys: one on the way up, one on the way down, one going nowhere and one seemingly managing to achieve the impossible. It is a social satire, at times darkly comic, at times heartbreaking. Set against the backdrop of millennial English Midlands urbanity, this is a bittersweet tale of love, loss, rivalry and revelation.

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